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At a Glance

What people call me & what I do

UX/UI Designer / Product Designer


Where I have worked

Thinkful, S'wheat Straws, Cha Cha Matcha, Rolling Loud Music Festival, Nolan Transportation Group, Noxcape Studios


How I formalized my skills

UX/UI Design & Visual Design Certificate

Digital Marketing Certificate

B.S. Business Administration, Management


Which tools I use for end-to-end design

Figma, Invision, Sketch, Adobe CC, HTML/CSS, and more.

Closer Look

Oi! I'm Arlindo. I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil but am currently living in New York City.

My heart lives at the intersection of Product and Brand. 

Building a career in UX/UI Design has been a lifelong journey of nonlinear, yet meaningful, pit stops. Pit stops that, in hindsight, were invaluable in training me to be thoughtful, empathetic, and analytical. Most of all, they were pit stops that showed me the importance of putting us— human beings— first, and everything else second.

Whether I knew it or not, these experiences were preparing me with the human-centered skills needed to become who I am today in the field of user experience design. Though each of these pit stops has contained unique challenges and requirements, the common thread that ties them all together is my curiosity and passion for learning, understanding people, and creating solutions that enrich lives.


On a More 

Personal Note

When I'm not wearing my UX hat, you can probably catch me designing clothes and album covers,

making playlists, enjoying the sunshine, or buying more books than I have time to read. 

Few things bring me as much joy as a hot cup of matcha in the morning and planning my next trip. I'm an advocate of drinking more water, taking deeper breaths, and traveling often.


I believe in learning something new every day, living at the edge of my comfort zone, and always always always doing my best.

Wanna get in touch? Drop a line. 

Let's make life extraordinary—

by design.

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