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Whether I'm at a gathering, running errands, or traveling, chances are I have my point-and-shoot camera with me.


I'm inspired by the perspective, permanence, and nostalgia that film photography dispenses; and my lifestyle photography is a way of contributing to that idea in a way that not only do I find super fun but transcends self-expression beyond any combination of words I could piece together.

Besides, shooting in film can offer a brief, yet satisfying escape from the digital world.



Occasionally, I like to design album and single covers for artists I either admire and/or have a personal relationship with. I get a bang out of taking the reigns on the art direction for an artist who entrusts me with their brand and likeness.

In addition, it's a good exercise in keeping my visual design chops sharp and a reason to flirt with Photoshop.

Lately, I've found a passion for utilizing graphic design to further social justice causes. Sometimes words alone fail to capture attention and evoke emotion the way a pretty design can.

Featured Writing

Coming Soon

Sometimes I Write

Not because I'm working on the next great American novel, but because writing is a great exercise in putting thought to page.

So, occasionally, I throw the sticky notes aside and bring out my composition notebook. In this case, writing has become another tool for thinking, expressing, and refining my thoughts.


The writing procss helps me maintain my awareness and intent when it comes to my UX work. In other words, writing makes me a better designer. 

Wanna get in touch? Drop a line. 

Let's make life extraordinary—

by design.

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